NDT Purpose | p 362,363 | Inspection and Interpretation | p 376 | Direct Visual Inspection | p 363 | Ultrasonic Testing | p 376-385 | Remote Visual Inspection | p 364-368 | Types of Sound Waves | p 377 | Videoimagescope | p 364-368 | Ultrasonic Requirements | p 377-379 | Fiberscope | p 364-368 | Surface Preparation | p 379 | Borescope | p 364-368 | Ultrasonic Testing Methods | p 379-385 | Liquid Penetrant Testing | p 368-371 | Resonant Frequency | p 379,380 | Preparation and Application | p 369,370 | Transit Time Method | p 380 | Developing and Inspection | p 370,371 | Intensity Method | p 380-385 | Magnetic Particle Testing | p 371-376 | Intensity & Transit Time | p 380-385 | Magnetizing the Part | p 373-375 | Eddy Current Testing | p 386 | Particle Application | p 375,376 | Radiography Testing | p 387-389 | |