Appendices Index | p 478 | Pipe Hangers | p 500-503 | General Jobsite Safety | p 479-488 | Sheet Metal & Wire Gage | p 504-509 | Safety & Accident Prevention | p 479-481 | Metal Properties | p 510,511 | Safe Use of Ladders | p 481,482 | Twist Drills/Tap Drill Sizes | p 512-518 | Safe Use of Scaffolds | p 482 | Pipe Tap Sizes | p 519 | Trenching Safety | p 483-485 | Decimal Equivalents | p 520,521 | Confined Space Entry | p 486,487 | Math Formulas | p 522 | Dust & Fiber Hazards | p 487,488 | Unit Equivalent Tables | p 523-527 | Hazardous Piping Identification | p 489 | Pressure Terms | p 528-530 | Steam Trap Selection | p 490-493 | psi to kPa conversion | p 531,532 | Steam Trap Sizing/Condensate | p 493-495 | Pressure Head Conversion | p 533,534 | Temperature Conversion | p 496-499 | | | |